[Reading English articles] How Tesla Sells ‘Fully Self-Driving’ Software

Hello, everyone. I’m Fish^^!! Are you having a good day today too??It suddenly got cold. There is no autumn, and it feels like winter has come after summer. Everyone is suddenly getting cold, so be careful not to catch a cold!!

Today, I’ve got rid of CNN article to read English articles!Teller is English article about Teller’s ” complete automatic driving” software!Shall we check the English article with me to read English articles with me

How Tesla can sell ‘full self-driving’ software that doesn’t really drive itself Tesla does not actually drive itself

(Source: Google Image)Mr. Smith said that the company, said the company said that the company will publish the latest beta version of ” complete automatic driving” software.However, the U.S. road traffic safety stations, the U.S. roads are not currently sold.Tesla’s “Full automatic driving” is close to strengthen cruise control.테슬라 최고경영자(CEO)인 일론 머스크는 이번 주말 1,000명의 소유자에게 최신 베타 버전의 “완전 자율주행” 소프트웨어를 출시할 것이라고 밝혔습니다. 그러나 자율주행차 전문가와 자동차를 규제하는 도로교통안전국에 따르면 오늘날 실제로 판매되는 자율주행차는 없습니다。 테슬라의 ‘완전한 자율주행’은 향상된 크루즈 컨트롤에 가깝습니다.

rollout Self-driving self-driving autonomous vehicle This cruise control automatic driving speed maintenance device is enhanced

rollout Self-driving self-driving autonomous vehicle This cruise control automatic driving speed maintenance device is enhanced

Stop for ~ and change direction of intersection veer.Pedestrian confuses are confusing.take over, take over

Stop for ~ and change direction of intersection veer.Pedestrian confuses are confusing.take over, take over

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Article Source:

How can I sell the “Full automatic driving” software that does not driveTesla CEO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EFFICATION SOFTWARE

How Tesla can sell “fully self-driving” software that it doesn’t actually drive Tesla CEO Elon Musk says the company will unveil its latest beta “fully self-driving” software to 1,000 owners of this weekend.edition.cnn.com

How Tesla can sell “fully self-driving” software that it doesn’t actually drive Tesla CEO Elon Musk says the company will unveil its latest beta “fully self-driving” software to 1,000 owners of this weekend.edition.cnn.com


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